We are happy to present the “Travelogues metadata documentation” written by Martin Krickl and edited by Jacopo Jandl.

This documentation in German language explains how rare books, and more specifically travelogues, have been catalogued and published during the projects “Travelogues: Perceptions of the Other 1500–1876 – A Computerized Analysis” (2018–2021)[1]  and “Ottoman Nature in Travelogues 1501–1850: A Digital Analysis” (2022–2025)[2]. Both projects built up an own corpus of selected and curated travelogues, written in different languages between the beginning of the 16th century and the mid of the 19th.

On one hand, the aim of this documentation is to describe the criteria of the selection and the standards of the curation during our work on the projects’ corpora. On the other hand, this is the result of the intention to write an exhaustive manual for cataloguing rare books in German speaking libraries, considering specifically the bibliographic format MARC21.

Thus, this documentation is free available as electronic resource in the OPAC of the Austrian National Library and we encourage to share it.

[1] Fundings: FWF: I 3795-G28/DFG: 398697847

[2] Funding: FWF: P 35245