Access our corpus and metadata!

We are very happy to announce that after thirteen months we have completed the metadata queries and the metadata enrichment of our corpus in the holdings in the Austrian National Library (ÖNB)! You can now search the library-system for our corpus and access our manually-checked metadata of resources.  

The criteria for including a work in our corpus are the following: 1) the work has a relation to the Ottoman Empire; 2) it is a travelogue or includes a travelogue. In total, the corpus includes 2.535 records of resources, 752 of them are written in German, 1252 in French, 392 in English, and 126 in Latin (last update: September 2023). 

How to access to our corpus

You can access the corpus by searching for our markers in the catalog of the Austrian National Library: projectonit* is the basic marker for the entire corpus. If you prefer to explore a sub-corpus in a specific language, add the right letter corresponding to each language (d=Deutsch/German; e= English; f=French; l=Latin), like this: projectonitl*. If you are interested in records of Latin resources in the 16th Century, add the number of the century (16; 17; 18; 19) to the marker, for example: projectonitl16. It is also possible to target the records of one century by changing the “language-letter” with the wildcard (*), like this: projectonit*16. If you wish to see the records of journals or collected works add behind the marker a space and write Zusammenstellung (collection; collected works) or Zeitschrift (journal), for example: projectonitl16 zusammenstellung. You can still add the wildcard (*) to change your query, for example projectonit*18 zeitschrift or projectonit* zeitschrift. Important: do not forget to set a space between the ONiT-marker (basic marker and/or language letter and/or century) and the keywords Zusammenstellung or Zeitschrift. Last but not least: the marker in the catalog of the ÖNB is case-insensitive; it means, it does not make difference if you write the marker in uppercase or in lowercase letters. You can test this by searching for: projectonit*19 zeitschrift vs. proJECTOnit*19 zeitSCHRift.   

Try and explore our corpus! 

In the results you can click on each title to read the details and the metadata. Our corpus is mostly digitized, and you can read the digitized book by clicking on the image near the title or the link Digitales Objekt (digital object) beneath.  


We updated and enriched bibliographic records in MARC21 Standard following the rules of FRBR, of RDA and of the Austrian Library Network (OBVSG) to guarantee the quality of the data according to the FAIR-principles: Findable, Interoperable and Reusable. In October 2023, we will present our first results at the “I. International Evliya Celebi Symposium in Istanbul and plan on publishing a more detailed documentation of our metadata enrichment soon. 

We are now expanding our corpus to sources held at other institutions across the globe! 

Written by Jacopo Jandl